HNSHMC. Rajkot


  • The word "REPERTORY" originates from the Latin word “repertoir,” which means any store or stock, (e.g. of information), that can be drawn upon.

  • “Repertorium,” in French and Latin, means a catalogue or storehouse.

  • Repertoire means a collection or an inventory of capabilities (e. g. songs, plays, music. etc.).

  • In Homeopathy the word “repertory” refers to books which are compiled indexes of the Homeopathic and Herbal Materia Medicas.

  • J. T. Kent said, “It has been built from all sources, and is a compilation of all the useful symptoms recorded in the fundamental works of our Materia Medica, as well as from the notes of our pioneers”

  • There have been more than 110 different repertories published as part of homeopathic literature during the last 170 years.

  • The first repertory was created by Samuel Hahnemann which he called a “Symptom Dictionary.”

  • Later, Jahr and Boenninghausen compiled their indexes to the homeopathic materia medica.

  • In modern terms, the repertory represents the clinical and research database for the practice of homeopathic medicine.
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